Season Two? Yes, please!!

In season one of The VanderPointe, we questioned our impact despite intentions, explored solutions, and got critical of systems and the way it has always been done. 

Jessyca and Rachel hold many identities — but let’s talk about the obvious–we are both white women, wrapped in privilege. And in season one we share times in our careers, where our actions and inactions served systems that perpetuate systemic racism and oppression- which strengthen the crime of human trafficking. We got honest, vulnerable and worked to understand how and where our intentions did not outweigh our impact. When we know better, we need to do better.

As we prepare for season two, we want to elevate the programs and people who are doing the work to dismantle the systems that support human trafficking and other forms of violence against persons. We want to elevate the people and programs who are asking the tough questions and getting honest and vulnerable too. We want to be challenged and to learn from you! 

Season one was about our experiences and perspectives with ineffective systems, working with survivors, and our thoughts on changing and dismantling the systems that are keeping the wheel turning. And in season two, we need you!

Was season one challenging for you? What would you add to season one? Did we miss something that needs to be said? Are you working with a program that is doing this work in a way that honors and centers survivors, or is digging in and going upstream?

Let’s talk about it in season two!!

Click this link to share your thoughts and let us know if you want to join us on The VanderPointe!

Published by OfficialRachelPointer

Rachel is an inspirational speaker, author, resilience coach, and anti-trafficking consultant. Her work centers survivor leadership development, trauma-ready response to human trafficking, and burnout recovery. Rachel is a survivor of childhood sexual exploitation, sexual assault, suicide, addiction, and domestic violence. Rachel has been recognized as a leader and authority in the anti-trafficking field. In addition to extensive education including MA in education and several coaching certifications, Rachel has over twenty three years of experience working with system impacted children and families, and over nine years providing anti-trafficking services nationally. Learn more about Rachel by visiting her website,

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