Season Two? Yes, please!!

In season one of The VanderPointe, we questioned our impact despite intentions, explored solutions, and got critical of systems and the way it has always been done.  Jessyca and Rachel hold many identities — but let’s talk about the obvious–we are both white women, wrapped in privilege. And in season one we share times in our careers,Continue reading “Season Two? Yes, please!!”

Tied in a bow

Cohosts Jessyca Vandercoy and Rachel Pointer conclude season one of The VanderPointe. Jessyca and Rachel reflect on why they chose today to conclude season one, what they have gained and learned through this process, and what they hope their impact is. Jessyca and Rachel are grateful for the support they have had throughout, and theContinue reading “Tied in a bow”

On Healing and Justice

After a brief break for self and community care, cohosts Jessyca Vandercoy and Rachel Pointer return to the airways. Jessyca and Rachel engage in a conversation about healing, misconceptions about healing and justice, and issues with the way healing is often paraded in the helping fields. Pulling the thread all the way through, highlighting differentContinue reading “On Healing and Justice”

Extending Pause

Due to needing some additional time to honor some personal and family needs, and making sure we’re staying true to our intentions, the VanderPointe team is taking an extra week off from recording and editing. The VanderPointe will be back next week with episode 19, and in the meantime, check out one of Jessyca’s favoriteContinue reading “Extending Pause”

We’re on break

While the VanderPointe team is off resting and enjoying some time away, go back and relisten to your favorite episodes. Don’t forget to share with your friends, subscribe, download, and listen to all the episodes of The VanderPointe on your favorite app – Apple, Spotify, Google Podcast, Audible, Amazon Music and more! We will returnContinue reading “We’re on break”

And now, we practice

Cohosts Jessyca Vandercoy and Rachel Pointer prepare to practice what they have been talking about: resting. In this episode, Jessyca and Rachel reflect on how they got to this point, marvel at the process of creating a podcast built on organic conversation, and modeling changed behavior in public. The conversation takes on a life ofContinue reading “And now, we practice”

Don’t be a trafficker, part 2

Join cohosts Jessyca Vandercoy and Rachel Pointer as they return for part two of the conversation about trauma responsiveness and the parallel processes that lead to exploitative mindsets and actions. In this episode, Jessyca and Rachel talk about exploitive processes and systems, raising up the next generation, and self-care. Jessyca and Rachel speak frankly andContinue reading “Don’t be a trafficker, part 2”

Don’t be a trafficker, part one

Join cohosts Jessyca Vandercoy and Rachel Pointer as they dive into a two-part conversation about trauma responsiveness and the parallel processes that lead to exploitative mindsets and actions. In this episode, Jessyca and Rachel talk about rethinking success, modeling healing for the next generations, and redefining self-care. Jessyca and Rachel speak frankly and openly aboutContinue reading “Don’t be a trafficker, part one”

Then there’s what happens

Cohosts Jessyca Vandercoy and Rachel Pointer discuss how damaging it is to see people as only one thing, and muse about why it is so hard to see people who have experienced sexual violence as whole people. Jessyca and Rachel talk about parallel processes, what defines appropriate boundaries, funding issues, who drives the changes andContinue reading “Then there’s what happens”